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Salesforce reveals five AI personas in Singapore's workforce


A recent study by Salesforce has identified five distinct AI personas in the Singaporean workforce, aiming to aid employers in integrating AI seamlessly at work.

The research, conducted through in-depth interviews with 1,031 workers, highlights how employees interact with and perceive AI.

The five personas include The Maximalist, The Underground, The Rebel, The Superfan, and The Observer. Maximalists, constituting 25% of the respondents, utilise AI multiple times weekly and actively promote its use amongst colleagues. According to the research, 65% of Maximalists disclose their AI usage and the motivation is primarily to enhance their work capacity.

The Underground, making up 22%, also relies on AI frequently but prefers not to share this with their peers. Around 56% use AI a few times weekly, yet 72% refrain from promoting its use. They often work in environments where 40% report that their company does not actively encourage AI usage.

The Rebel, representing 13%, is the least engaged group with regards to AI. More than half, 53%, avoid AI altogether in their work, viewing it as a societal threat. Additionally, 36% of Rebels believe it is unfair for colleagues to leverage AI in performing tasks.

The Superfan, covering 23% of respondents, holds AI in high regard but does not use it extensively at work. While only 74% utilise AI less than once a month, 79% admire coworkers who creatively integrate AI into their tasks.

The Observer, comprising 17%, is yet to engage with AI but watches developments with interest. This persona shows a mixed response, with 62% indifferent toward AI in the workplace, yet more than 35% express a desire to develop AI skills.

Christina Janzer, Senior Vice President of Research and Analytics at Slack, underlines the importance of employees in AI integration, "The AI-powered future of work isn't just about enterprises, it's also about employees — and it's redefining everything from careers to workplace culture. But to realise the promise of AI, companies need to make AI work for workers and bring everyone onboard The AI Team."

Research highlights that while leaders have shown increased urgency to incorporate AI, a significant portion of the workforce is yet to engage with it. The potential risks of this trend include missed opportunities for benefits such as improved efficiency and enhanced employee experience.

The research also stresses the necessity for a tailored approach in onboarding workers to AI. "As leaders, it's important that we tailor our approach and help set every employee up for success in the AI-powered workplace. These personas create a powerful roadmap for leaders to understand where their employees are in their AI journey and help them unlock AI's benefits," Janzer added.

Lori Castillo Martinez, Executive Vice President of Talent Growth & Development at Salesforce, noted, "Workers across industries must learn how to work with AI or risk getting left behind. At Salesforce, we're helping our employees identify skill gaps that may prevent them from growing their careers, and bridge those gaps to take full advantage of the AI future."

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