Introducing Indonesia's account-based ticketing solution
PT Teknologi Karya Digital Nusa Tbk (PT TKDN) and O-CITY develop the first Fleet Management System with Account-Based Ticketing (ABT) in Indonesia.
This ticketing solution is set to revolutionise Indonesia's transportation infrastructure, expanding PT TKDN's range of services across all mobility aspects, including mass transportation, parking, paid road systems, and toll gate automation.
PT TKDN aims to introduce the fare collection solution countrywide, propelling the nation towards becoming a multi-provider of essential city services.
O-CITY's Account-Based Ticketing (ABT) system allows commuters to use various payment methods, including open-loop, closed-loop, QR-code and mobile e-wallets.
This is the evolution of the fare collection system (tickets) from card-based tickets to account-based ones that are integrated and personalised.
This means that card ownership can be identified by registering it through a mobile app so that all user transactions can be recorded and documented, as well as provide the best fare options according to the user's habits in mobility using public transportation or when using the app.
David Santoso, President Director of PT Teknologi Karya Digital Nusa Tbk, explains: "This partnership with O-CITY is a pivotal moment for transportation in Indonesia."
"Implementing the ABT system reflects our unwavering commitment to improving mobility and driving Indonesia's cashless agenda forward."
"We are really excited about the potential of this project to transform our transportation network, making it more efficient, accessible, and inclusive for everyone," says Santoso.
Tokhir Abdukadyrov, SVP of Smart City and Transport Solutions at BP, adds: "We firmly believe in PT TKDN's potential to offer an innovative, modern AFC ABT solution for public transit operators, municipalities, and ministries of transport."
"It's an initiative that will undoubtedly drive the country's mobility forward, upgrading Indonesia's transportation infrastructure across all spheres, from public transport to parking, toll and beyond."
"In doing so, we bring commuters closer to a smart city environment. We have absolute confidence in the ambitious PT TKDN team and their ability to develop and provide these advanced solutions and services across Indonesia," says Abdukadyrov.
PT TKDN will also utilise segmentation features such as centralised fare, prepaid product subscriptions, distribution subsidies, travel planning, vehicle tracking, and portals and applications.
Santoso continues: "The payment system is one that can be improved on the current transportation system. An integrated and personalised system will make it easier not only for the government and operators, but also passengers."
"Users will have no worry when their card is lost or left behind. They can still use the balance that was previously filled in because everything is recorded by the ABT system in their account," says Santoso.
The ABT system will provide lower operational costs than the current payment for urban transport, which already uses cashless cards but requires constant reprogramming.
Santoso concludes: "Currently, the company successfully completed a local deployment for ABT system in several cities and is now ready for a nationwide rollout. We expect that more cities will implement the ABT system in their transportation systems so that we can be one step ahead towards becoming a smart city."