BitTitan appoints Tosin Vaithilingam as Senior Solution Architect
Tosin Vaithilingam has joined its Customer Success Team as a Senior Solution Architect headquartered in Hong Kong.
With over a decade of focused professional IT experience, Vaithilingam brings significant engineering and migration expertise to BitTitan's APAC customers.
Vaithilingam previously worked as a senior consultant dealing with M&A, divestitures, and IT transformation projects.
In addition, he has spearheaded the planning of a variety of migration projects ranging from exchange-to-exchange migrations to active directory migrations, consolidation and on-premises to Microsoft 365 migrations, and everything in-between, including public folders, Microsoft Teams, and Lotus Notes migrations.
Recognising that migrations can be complex and there is a lot at stake for IT professionals, BitTitan created its Customer Success Team to provide MigrationWiz customers with global coverage for essential services such as project scoping, planning and proof-of-concept.
Depending on a customer's needs, Vaithilingam can help them identify the data, files and workloads they need to move, assess all the complexities of their environment, both at the source and the destination and assist them with developing a comprehensive migration plan, including proof-of-concept.
Vaithilingam joins BitTitan as the demand for cloud services grows worldwide, especially in Australia and the greater APAC region.
"As digital transformation continues to accelerate, my commitment is to our customers' success," says Vaithilingam.
"Whether they're new to migrations or facing a complex project, the Customer Success team is a technical resource for customers and we are eager to help them save time and money or simply reduce stress."