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Tech leaders urge substantial digital investments in Malaysia’s Budget 2025

Thu, 12th Sep 2024

As Malaysia awaits the unveiling of Budget 2025, key figures in the tech sector are advocating for significant measures to advance digital transformation.

Georg Chmiel, an entrepreneur and member of the World Digital Chamber, has articulated a vision for Malaysia's technological future, suggesting that investments in AI, blockchain, digital infrastructure, and talent development could position Malaysia as a regional leader in the global digital economy.

Chmiel, whose portfolio includes companies such as Xamble, Juwai IQI,, and GoFlex Events, has outlined several priorities that he believes should be included in the upcoming budget. These include substantial R&D investments in AI and blockchain, expansion of digital infrastructure, upskilling the workforce, and initiatives for green technology and smart cities. He argues that these measures are crucial not only for keeping pace with global advancements but for positioning Malaysia at the forefront of the digital revolution.

“To position Malaysia as a leader in emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain, we hope that the Ministry of Digital will prioritise robust R&D investment and incentives. Companies like Xamble and Juwai IQI are already at the forefront of digital innovation, and with the right support, we can set new global standards,” Chmiel explained. “This is not just about keeping pace with the world—it’s about leading it.”

Chmiel also emphasised the importance of enhancing digital infrastructure, particularly in underserved areas. “High-speed internet access is the backbone of our digital economy. We recommend that Budget 2025 focuses on expanding this infrastructure, especially in underserved areas. This is crucial for equitable growth and will enable companies like GoFlex Events to deliver world-class virtual and hybrid experiences while empowering SMEs through platforms like,” he added.

The entrepreneur highlighted the need for substantial investment in talent development, suggesting that Budget 2025 should allocate resources to upskilling programmes. “Malaysia's future hinges on a workforce that is not just competent but exceptional in digital skills. We hope that Budget 2025 allocates substantial resources to upskilling programmes.’s vision for transforming HR digitally can only be realised with a skilled workforce ready to embrace and drive change,” Chmiel stated. “Our talent is our greatest asset—let’s invest in it wisely.”

Chmiel pointed to inclusivity and diversity as critical components for fostering innovation. “Innovation thrives in diverse environments. By supporting inclusivity in the tech sector, Budget 2025 can help build a resilient and adaptable workforce. It’s not just about meeting today’s needs but anticipating tomorrow’s challenges,” he remarked, stressing the importance of a diverse talent pool in driving progress.

Regarding sustainable growth, Chmiel advocated for support towards green technology initiatives and smart infrastructure. “As businesses globally pivot towards ESG principles, Malaysia must not be left behind. We suggest that Budget 2025 champion sustainable and smart housing initiatives, like those led by Juwai IQI. By investing in green technologies and energy-efficient designs, we’re not just building homes—we’re building a sustainable future,” he said.

He further suggested the government provide grants and incentives for the development of smart cities. “Smart cities and green technologies are the future. We recommend that Budget 2025 provide grants and incentives for IoT and other innovations that make sustainable living a reality. This is where the world is headed, and Malaysia must lead the charge,” Chmiel stated.

To enhance Malaysia's global competitiveness, Chmiel advocated for simplifying international trade and investment regulations. “To establish Malaysia as a global tech hub, we need a budget that simplifies international trade and investment. By streamlining regulations, we can attract global investors and help companies like Juwai IQI and GoFlex Events expand their global footprint,” Chmiel suggested. “This is how we secure our place on the world stage.”

He also underscored the importance of public-private partnerships and industry collaboration. “Collaboration is the cornerstone of innovation. We encourage Budget 2025 to support public-private partnerships that foster innovation hubs and drive digital transformation across industries. The future of tech in Malaysia depends on our ability to work together, share knowledge, and create groundbreaking solutions,” Chmiel said.

Chmiel concluded by stating, “Budget 2025 is not just another fiscal plan—it is a blueprint for Malaysia’s digital future and will determine our nation’s trajectory for years to come. With strategic investments in the right areas, Malaysia can lead the global digital revolution, creating a prosperous and sustainable future for all.”

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